About UpgradeDjango.com
This website is brought to you by REVSYS, a leader in Django consulting and development.
Upgrade Django is a simple cheat sheet to Django versions and releases partly gathered from available information on Github and djangoproject.com.
We’ve added our own observations on the most exciting highlights, gotchas, and other information from our extensive experience upgrading our client’s Django applications.
Contact us to help upgrade your Django site. We can perform a one-time upgrade project to get you back up to speed, or we have yearly support packages where we will keep you up to date without your team having to spend their precious time on it.
However, we don’t ONLY do upgrades. We offer a wide range of services such as:
- Python/Django Consulting and Development
- Performance Tuning and Scaling Help
- Developer Productivity and Process Improvement
- Architecture Design Sprints for new projects
- Python Code Reviews
- Django Code Reviews
- Deployment and operations help using Kubernetes
If you find any errors or other issues, please report them via email, and we’ll get them corrected as quickly as possible.